Good to know: Most of the roads are narrow and winding. The distance is measured in time and not in kilometers.
We advise you to arrive in Ajaccio (1 hour).
- Ajaccio : take direction "Calvi by the coast." At Cargèse through the village to the Place Saint John. Take the ramp on the left toward "Péro Beach" hotel is located at 800m on the left.
However if you arrive:
- From Bastia : Take Ajaccio and Calvi "the coast".
(Cargèse / Bastia: 3h30)
- From Calvi : either follow the coast Porto / Galeria.
(Cargèse / Calvi 2:30)
- From Figari : follow Ajaccio and Calvi then the coast.
(Cargèse / Figari: 3:30)